"From a literal point of view, it is true that one can be tempted, beforehand, to assimilate these photographs to a long tradition of scientific observation - the images that one believes created by means of the microscope rub shoulders with those which could have been accomplished using a telescope. Some patterns are similar to saturated particles of life or energy ; some have an organic consistency, while others are like effusions of matter, electric arcs or molten bodies springing from nothingness. Other circular figures could be associated with portholes belonging to any exploration machine.
However, what really polarizes Sandrine Elberg's work around scientific principles is based not so much on visual evocations, a global physiognomy, than on the way in which she considers the production of these photographs. Indeed, if the attraction for cosmic environments never fades, it is the whole operating mode that is apprehended in logic comparable to that of the experimental sciences, especially when it is a question of validating hypotheses oscillating between clairvoyance and surprise, or to hesitate between conscious invention and chance discovery."
Julien Verhaeghe