Display: Jeff Mermelstein, "Hardened", curated by Mörel Books

Display: Jeff Mermelstein, "Hardened", curated by Mörel Books

until January 7, 2020

The new guests of Spazio Choisi are the photographer Jeff Mermelstein and the publisher Aron Morel, with their new book Hardened, edited by David Campany.
The book gathers a sequence of 305 photographs taken in more than 2 years in the streets of New York and it will be presented inside a site-specific installation designed for Spazio Choisi.

"These are just some of Jeff Mermelstein’s pictures taken mainly on the streets of New York in the last few years. A world of everyday neurosis, minor catastrophe, panic, charm, indiscretion, revelation, fallen pride, deflated bravado, pricked narcissism, and unexpected affection. In a culture in which seemingly everything is contrived for the camera, it is heartening, and horrifying, to see what it looks like when it doesn’t think it is being photographed, or at least photographed the way Jeff Mermelstein does it."
David Campany

On this occasion, at Artphilein Library will be displayed one of the exclusive two special editions of Hardened, thanks to the acquisition by De Pietri Artphilein Foundation (the other edition will be available for consultation at the New York Public Library).

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