I’m not tailgating, I’m drafting I’m not tailgating, I’m drafting I’m not tailgating, I’m drafting

Jan Kempenaers

I’m not tailgating, I’m drafting

Roma Publications, Belgium — 2011
SFr. 50.00
Pages: 32
Edition: 500 signed and numbered - LAST COPY! Out of print
Dimensions: 23 x 17 cm
Language: English
ISBN: 9789491843068

Foldout book with photographs, including an original C-print, selected from a series taken by Jan Kempenaers during a road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 2010. The images were shot with an advanced hand-held digital camera, which allowed him to work freely in a snapshot style whilst maintaining a very high quality. Within the context of Kempenaers body of work, this new series underlines his desire to shift further toward abstraction instead of documentary work.
Design: Roger Willems.

One original C-Print included.

From the same publisher
Initium Maris
Nicolas Floc’h
Initium Maris
SFr. 43.00
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