Iarivo' Ny Mavo Iarivo' Ny Mavo Iarivo' Ny Mavo Iarivo' Ny Mavo Iarivo' Ny Mavo Iarivo' Ny Mavo

Tolojanahary Ranaivosoa

Iarivo' Ny Mavo

Artphilein Editions, Lugano — 2022
SFr. 15.00 SFr. 25.00
Pages: 52
Edition: 250
Dimensions: 26 x 20 cm
Language: English, Malagasy
ISBN: 9791280830104

The name of Madagascar’s capital city, Antananarivo, literally means City of Miles. But does this city still welcome visitors from miles away? A thousand Antananarivo continues to welcome tens or even hundreds of thousands of newcomers every year.

Because of the very accelerated degradation of the environment by bush fires, forest fires, pollution and the effects of climate change, the water table is drying up, rain is becoming increasingly scarce, and rivers are running dry. The lack of water causes suffering year after year. In Antananarivo, not every household has running water. Shared water sources are installed in each neighborhood. Water is not free. In the

past, some people had the privilege of quenching their thirst through their personal taps. Later, they had to wake up in the middle of the night to fill tanks and jerry cans. Nowadays, many of them join the ranks of those who line up to get this precious liquid at public fountains. This project is named ‘The Yellow Revolution’ in reference to the water canister; Social life in Antananarivo revolves around the water canister. Basically, it's a can of edible oil. It situates the era of challenge, of struggle in which every Malagasy of today faces or will face tomorrow.”

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