Trentatré ovvero tre rampe da undici gradini by Lucrezia Costa is born from a reflection of the artist after reading Corpi mutanti by Tiziana Villani that is also involved in the sound design part of the work, and La società senza dolore by Byung Chul Han.
In the past grief and pain were used as a symbol of power by rulers, then, they became silent and invisible with the panopticon by Bentham, and now, in the postmodern era, grief became useless since it’s something that obstacles production.
But grief is the common ground of us as human beings, and this is the reason why the artist is creating a partecipatory archive of grief where people, by answering to some questions about this theme, becomes active participants of the work.
The questions are public but the answers are private and they are secured in a locked archive that is exhibited in the final installation but it’s not consultable. The artist then realizes a terracotta mask for every person who answered that deals with the answers she received from each person.
The archive is open to new answers and it is always ready to welcome new griefs. To partecipate in the archive you can answers with an online form by following this LINK