We are all going home We are all going home We are all going home We are all going home We are all going home We are all going home

Aline d'Auria

We are all going home

Artphilein Editions, Lugano — 2021
SFr. 30.00
Pages: 162 + 36
Edition: 290 copies + 10 special editions with one signed print
Dimensions: 26.5 x 18.5 cm
Language: Italian, English
ISBN: 9788894518634

"We are all going home nasce dalla volontà di riflettere sull’immagine di Est Europa che tanti di noi hanno, come di un tutt’uno indistinto da Tallin a Tirana, Helsinki e Salonicco escluse. La confusione geografica, retaggio della cortina di ferro, si riflette sulle persone che provengono dai più vicini paesi ex sovietici: non rifugiati, non immediatamente identificabili come stranieri, ma persone che hanno scelto un altro paese europeo, sempre in bilico tra la possibilità e la voglia di rivedere una casa per scoprirla, forse, non più casa. Con We are all going home, Aline d'Auria racconta il sogno di sentirsi a casa."

"We are all going home is born out of the desire to reflect on the image of Eastern Europe that many of us have, as an indistinct whole from Tallinn to Tirana, excluding Helsinki and Thessaloniki. Geographical bewilderment, a legacy of the Iron Curtain, is reflected in the people who come from the closest former Soviet countries: not refugees, not immediately identifiable as foreigners, but rather people who have chosen another European country, forever poised between the opportunity and the longing to see a home once again, but to find out that, perhaps, it is no longer home. We are all going home describes the dream of feeling at home."

Lucia Ceccato, Chiasso_Culture in movimento 

Texts by Misia Bernasconi, Lucia Ceccato and Michele Marangi.

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