The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION

Giuseppe Chietera, Fabio Tasca

The Point and Shoot Series - SPECIAL EDITION

Artphilein Editions, Lugano — 2019
SFr. 125.00
Pages: 72 + 72
Edition: 225 + XXV Special editions with two original numbered and signed prints
Dimensions: 21.5 x 16.5 x 2 cm
Language: Italian, English
ISBN: 9788894375947

The Point and Shoot Series, the new book by Fabio Tasca and Giuseppe Chietera, is a 15-year long deep observation of those peculiar and common features that characterize the western “peripheral” landscape which is only apparently ordinary and standardized. The work - described by the authors as “A journey into contemporary marginality, full of pop suggestions” - contains 80 images.

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