Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire Archetypes Of Desire

Stefan Cosma

Archetypes Of Desire

Terranova, Barcelona — 2023
SFr. 29.00
Pages: 120
Edition: First edition
Dimensions: 28 x 38 cm
Language: English, Italian
ISBN: 978-84-126922-0-4

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Eclecticó Studio, a gallery devoted to post modern furniture and design, its founder Stefan Cosma organized a special exhibition in Paris in the spring of 2023 and invited Terranova to contribute with the catalogue.

This big format, unbound volume works as both a documentation of most of the pieces on show and a thorough investigation on the interconnectedness of the European designers and furniture editors working in that specific period of the late XXth Century.

The publication contains photographic and textual essays, with two specific sections devoted to Paolo Pallucco’s project 100 Sedie in una Notte and the obscure Austrian furniture editor Leitner’s collections by Ettore Sottsass and Bořek Šípek.

With contributions by Marco Sammicheli, Philippe Thomé and Cesare Leonardi, and interviews with Bohuslav Horak, Javier Mariscal, Dietmar Weihrauch, Sophie Dries and Bethan Laura Wood.

All the contents are intentionally scrambled and mixed as a way to bring the playfulness and permeability of post modern furniture and its contemporary creators. It works as a folder containing different papers and designs, and every publication is different and unique in its random presentation.

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