Three characters, Naïma, Johan and Vassili, are the cornerstone of this publication. Jonathan Delachaux (1976) met them 20 years ago. They soon became exclusive models for the artist, who has been depicting their lives, wanderings and creations ever since.
His narrative unfolds in this publication across more than 280 reproductions of paintings and installation views, while taking the form of a chronicle that recounts facts.
In addition to the retrospective of Delachaux’s work, three authors, each in their own words, have taken on the task of entering his world and of telling the story of the three characters. Writers Jacques Houssay and Catherine Ysmal and the journalist Arnaud Robert have combined their creativity with the narratives developed by Delachaux since 1996, immersing readers in a universe that blurs the distinction between reality and fiction.
In conclusion, art historian Bernard Vienat’s essay decodes Delachaux’s creative and narrative approach. He shows how the artist has devised unique techniques that suffuse his entire oeuvre with a sense of the uncanny.