Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting

Mattia Baldi


Seipersei, Siena — 2020
SFr. 30.00
Pages: 96
Edition: First edition 
Dimensions: 24 x 32 cm
Language: Italian, English
ISBN: 978894490633

Casting aims to shed light on the issues of modern aesthetics in the world of fashion photography. Instagram filters, flawless Photoshop skin retouching, and the overall deep manipulation of images are now the standard on social media. These impossible beauty standards are changing society’s perception of aesthetics, particularly among women, creating a digital vision far removed from reality. The photographs used for this project will have no digital retouching or any other form of alteration. The intent is to present a more honest way of viewing beauty. The atmosphere is not celebratory; it does not seek to further enhance the subjects, and the book aims to be a raw container of reality. Especially in Bangkok, where the author has lived for years, beauty standards are a complex issue. Younger generations are growing up with digital/virtual beauty standards. This book seeks to highlight what is happening globally in terms of beauty ideals and standards.

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