Cave Cave Cave

Stefania Beretta, Marco Anelli


Fondazione Gruppo Valtellinese — 2007
SFr. 45.00
Pages: 132
Edition: First edition
Dimensions: 24x31 cm
Language: Italian

The photographic works proposed in this volume recount two different journeys made in similar places, that is marble quarries, but geographically distant: to the north, in Valtellina, Valmalenco and Valmasino, documented by the Roman photographer Marco Anelli; and to the south, in Sicily, photographed by the Swiss Stefania Beretta. The quarries are unique and fascinating places at the same time: stopping to admire these shots, strictly in black and white, you are kidnapped by the vivid and throbbing images, offered with an aesthetic sense and with great technical mastery, of these harsh landscapes, solemn, and silent, like immense cathedrals where the only protagonist is the stone. The images are accompanied by two introductory texts by and Giovanna Calvenzi; followed by a speech by Paolo Giansiracusa dedicated to the history of cutting stone in Sicily, and one by Antonio Boscacci, focused on the piode and granite of the prealpine valleys.

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