Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Parallel Encyclopedia #1 Parallel Encyclopedia #1

Batia Suter

Parallel Encyclopedia #1

Roma Publications, Belgium — 2021
SFr. 60.00
Pages: 592
Edition: First reprint
Dimensions: 22 x 29 cm
Language: English
ISBN: 9789492811981

The majority of my subject matter’s motivation is rooted in the westernization of my home country in the 1990s. During that time, the goal was to forget Slovenias socialist past and make capitalism a success story. Growing up with American imagery and values on TV and in music and print, the American spirit was communicated through established symbols. This resulted in an attraction to the American symbolism, which I started incorporating into my photographic work when I moved to the so-called “land of the free.” The dream was realized, but the realities were much different from those presented to me as a child.

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