The Point and Shoot Series The Point and Shoot Series The Point and Shoot Series The Point and Shoot Series

Giuseppe Chietera, Fabio Tasca

The Point and Shoot Series

Artphilein Editions, Lugano — 2019
SFr. 30.00
Pages: 72 + 72
Edition: 250 copies
Dimensions: 21.5 x 16.5 x 2 cm
Language: Italian, English
ISBN: 9788894375947

The Point and Shoot Series, by Fabio tasca and Giuseppe Chietera, is a 15-year long deep observation of those peculiar and common features that characterize the western “peripheral” landscape which is only apparently ordinary and standardized.

The work - described by the authors as “A journey into contemporary marginality, full of pop suggestions” - contains 80 images.

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