

For its first exhibition Choisi – one at a time will host the Artphilein Foundation, presenting one of the works from its collection and thus beginning a collaboration that will continue over time.

"Futura" will exhibit the artist’s book “Die Kunst der Typographie” by Antonio Alcaraz and Emilio Sdun, published in 2010, a reinterpretation of the eponymous volume by Paul Renner that was written in 1939 and published the following year; it is an homage to a master of the graphic design of the twentieth-century, to the designer the Futura font, in addition to others, which is still up-to-date and widely in use today. The book originated from a workshop held by the two artists at the Hessisches Museum in Darmstadt, Germany, an institution dedicated to the art printing and the typographic arts.
The exhibition will be accompanied by music that is a result of the collaboration between the Jazzy Jams association in Lugano and the ensemble Jazz in Bess, which created a jazz improvisation inspired by Alcaraz and Sdun’s work, recorded at Stepasound studios.

On the occasion of the exhibition Artphilein Editions SA will publish the catalogue Futura, which includes texts by Susanne Lang, Angela Madesani and Sergio Polano.

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